澳洲能源转型见成效 太阳能发电量在八月份时间段内首超煤炭

For the first time in Australia's winter history, the Aussie grid saw solar power outpacing coal power generation for part of August, marking further progress in Australia's energy transition.

Data show that in September and October last year, Australia's solar power generation exceeded coal power generation, and this year's time was advanced to August. Last Friday, in a 35-minute period, solar power outpaced coal power. On Sunday, the phenomenon lasted 3 hours and 20 minutes. At the peak, solar power generated 11.487 MW and coal generated 9,784 MW.

Solar power generation in Australia is growing rapidly. According to the Australian Clean Energy Regulator, Australia will add more than 3,000 megawatts of small-scale solar power capacity in 2021 and 2,964 megawatts in 2020. Currently, Australian solar demand is booming again for households due to rising interest rates, high inflation and rising electricity prices, Australian Solar says.

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